Books that are LIT

I have many librarians and teachers that I admire, who inspire me, and who have helped me become the educator and person that I am today. There are several famous librarians that I have met that I even fangirled (fanpersoned) over. Two of my close friends have been presenting at the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA) annual conference for several years on 100+ Tech Tools. Since that niche was already taken, I aspired to be just like Trent and Angela, but with 100+ books. Thus, the Books that are LIT presentation was born. But, I knew that I couldn’t do this presentation on my own. This is where my best friend comes in – Ashley. As most librarians, she and I are both avid readers. We also know that not everyone is able to read as much as we are (for a variety of reasons) and, we, as librarians, are always looking for awesome books to add to our TBR (to be read) or TBP (to be purchased) lists. 

So, we took (with permission) Angela and Trent’s idea of a high-energy, high-speed presentation introducing others to 100+ books that are LIT. These books cover all genres and are all for middle and/or high school readers. We have been lucky to be able to present at the past few OELMA conferences and have enjoyed sharing our love of books with others. 

With the spirit of sharing in mind, though you won’t get our high-energy presentation, below are the links to the past Books that are LIT presentations we have done. 

It is my hope to be as amazing as Angela, Trent, and the other librarians and educators who have made me The Disruptive Librarian.

Books that are LIT Volume 1

Books that are LIT Volume 2

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